The B&B “L'Assiolo” is located in Palo, 8 km from Sassello (SV), inside the Beigua Geo Park at an altitude of approximately 700 meters above sea level, ideal for enjoying the cool evening breeze, without forfeiting the heat of the coastline. The area is still relatively unknown to tourism. The district of Sassello has been awarded the “orange flag”by the Touring Club Italiano (TCI), a prestigious recognition conferred to smaller areas of the hinterland that stand out for offering high quality excellence in tourism and hospitality.


The small town of Palo is entirely surrounded by forests of chestnut trees and oaks, and by beech wood, holly, and birch trees at the higher altitudes. A rich array of trails and paths, allow tourists to practice “forest bathing” in absolute tranquility.  The more athletic tourist can choose to venture either on foot or via mountain bike across a vast selection of itineraries, ideal for experiencing the Fantic 2018 e-bikes, available to rent by the guests of the resort. 


The plain of Tiglieto may be reached by mountain bike, following the partially paved road, as well as the dirt track for the better half of the journey.  Along the trail you can stop to enjoy an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, evoked by the ancient Abbey (Abbazia), founded in 1120 by Cistercian monks.  This was the first abbey ever to be established outside of the French borders.


Traveling along the ancient roads it is possible to connect to the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri - AVML - to the following roads:  Prato Rotondo -Monte Beigua (1.287 meters) – Giovo; Prato Rotondo (1.100 meters) -Passo del Faiallo as well as:  Monte Beigua – Costa del Giancardo – Sassello;   Prato Rotondo– Faie – Varazze.


The AVML extends very close to the sea along the area of Passo del Faiallo - Prato Rotondo,while remaining at an altitude of approximately 1.000 meters above sea level.  The route offers views of the mountains, rocky spurs to the south, and smoother slopes covered by beech trees to the north. On a clearer day you can make out Cap Corse.


The area of the Regional Park of Beigua, along the AVML route, allows visitors to immerse into one of the richest areas of biodiversity, experiencing natural wonders such as “Campi di Pietre”  (Block Field), the uncontaminated environment of one of the most fascinating wetlands the “Torbiera del Laione” (where you can see newts and salamanders), and at the end of the ancient  “fiume di pietre” (Block Stream), blooms the “drosera rotundifolia”, a small carnivorous plant.  The owners will be pleased to show you, and if possible accompany you, along these magnificent trails that are still relatively unknown to tourists.

Palo è raggiungibile da diverse direzioni e con diversi mezzi, auto, treno+autobus, bicicletta.

Per queste due ultime soluzioni siamo a disposizione per proporvi il migliore itinerario a  seconda delle vostre esigenze, mentre per il viaggio in auto ecco il nostro consiglio:


proveniendo da Genova :


percorrere l' Autostrada A10 in direzione Savona ed uscire al casello di Albisola; svoltare a sinistra sulla strada provinciale 334 in direzione Sassello e da qui voltare sulla SP 49, dopo 8 km si giunge a Palo.


proveniendo da Milano : 


imboccare la A7 in direzione Genova, deviare sulla A26 ed uscire al casello di  Ovada.

Da qui proseguire lungo la SP 205 per Molare, e quindi svoltare a sinistra sulla SP 208 in direzione di Cassinelle; dopo 3 km svoltare a sinistra sulla SP 210 per  Abasse,  Piancastagna, Moretti ed arrivando quindi a Palo .

Tariffe 2018

Prezzi per camera per notte, letto extra 15€

Stanza doppia uso singolo

65 €

Stanza doppia

90 €

La mansarda per famiglia, 4 persone in due camere

120 €